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Lab 1a

Submission deadline: 2359, Friday, February 9, 2018.


Assume that students are already familiar with:

Learning Objectives

After completing this lab, students should:

  • be more comfortable with looking at a complex problem and identify data and procedures that should be kept within an abstraction barrier. In other words, be more comfortable with creating own encapsulated class.
  • be more comfortable with basic Java syntax and semantics, particularly when creating classes from scratch.
  • be comfortable with following a given coding convention.


Login to cs2030-i, copy the files from ~cs2030/lab1a to your local directory under your home ~/lab1a. You should see one java file ( and a few data files (TESTDATA1.txt, TESTDATA2.txt, ..., TESTDATA5.txt)

Goals implements a working discrete event simulator that simulates customers being served by a server. It is written in procedural style with no encapsulation. The goal, in this lab, is to rewrite this simulator with OO style, by properly using encapsulation to create abstraction barriers to the various variables and methods. Here and some hints:

  • Think about the problem that you are solving: what are the nouns? These are good candidates for classes.
  • For each class, what are the attributes/properties relevant to the class? These are good candidates for fields in the class.
  • For each class, what are their responsibilities? What can they do? These are good candidates for methods in the class.
  • How do the objects of each class interact? These are good candidates for public methods.

Note that the goal of this lab and, and of CS2030 in general, is NOT to solve the problem with the cleverest and the shortest piece of code possible. For instance, you might notice that you can solve Lab 1a with only a few variables and an array. But such solution is hard to extend and modify. In CS2030, our goal is to produce a software that can easily evolve and be modified, with a reduced risk of introducing bugs while doing so.

Note that Lab 1a is the first of a series of labs, where we introduce new requirements or modify existing ones in every lab (not unlike what software engineers face in the real world). We will slowly evolve the simulator into something more general and will simulate a more complex server and customer behaviors in our simulation.

Thus, making sure that your code will be able to adapt to new problem statements is the key. Trying to solve the lab without considering this (such as coming up with a solution that computes the average waiting time in only tens of lines of code) and you will likely find yourself painted into a corner and have to re-write much of your solution to handle the new requirement.


This lab is not graded. But, it will be extended to Lab 1b, which is graded. Coming out with a good encapsulation will make your Lab 1b much easier to solve. You may be tempted to wait for Lab 1b to be released and solve Lab 1a and 1b together -- unless you are very sure you can handle it, do not do this. The purpose of Lab 1a is to give you enough time to ponder over different designs and get feedback from your Lab TAs.

Discrete Event Simulator

A discrete event simulator is a software that simulates a system (often modeled after the real world) with events and states. An event occurs at a particular time, and each event alters the states of the system and may generate more events. A discrete event simulator can be used to study many complex real-world systems. The term discrete refers to the fact that, the states remain unchanged between two events, and therefore, the simulator can jump from the time of one event to another, instead of following the clock in real time. The simulator typically keeps track of some statistics to measure the performance of the system.

In this lab, we start with simulating a specific situation:

  • We have a shop with a server (a person providing service to the customer).
  • The server can serve one customer at a time.
  • We assume for now that the server takes constant time to serve a customer. The time taken to serve is called service time.
  • When a customer arrives:
    • if the server is idle (not serving any customer), then the server serves the customer immediately (no waiting).
    • if the server is serving another customer, then the customer that just arrives waits.
    • if the server is serving one customer, and another customer is waiting, then the customer that just arrives just leave (no waiting) and go elsewhere. In other words, there is at most one waiting customer.
  • When the server is done serving a customer:
    • the served customer leaves.
    • if there is another customer waiting, the server starts serving the waiting customer immediately.
    • if there is no waiting customer, then server becomes idle again.

We are interested in the following. Given a sequence of customer arrivals (time of each arrival is given):

  • What is the average waiting time for customers that have been served?
  • How many customers are served?
  • How many customers left without being served?

In your Lab 1a, you are given a simple discrete event simulator to answer the questions above. There are two classes: Simulator and Event.

Class Event

The event class is written in a procedural style, not unlike a struct in C. All members are public, and there is no method. Each Event keeps track of two information: the time the event occurs, and eventType, which signifies what type of events is this. Instead of using time like 9:45 pm, we simply and represent time as a double value.

  static class Event {
    public double time; // The time this event will occur
    public int eventType; // The type of event, indicates what should happen when an event occurs. 

We handle two types of events for this particular scenario: an event of type CUSTOMER_ARRIVE means that a customer arrives during this event; while an event of type CUSTOMER_DONE means that the customer is done being served. CUSTOMER_ARRIVE events are created based on the given input. CUSTOMER_DONE events are created and scheduled to occur sometime in the future when a customer is being served.

  public static final int CUSTOMER_ARRIVE = 1;
  public static final int CUSTOMER_DONE = 2;

Class Simulator

The simulator class is again written in procedural style. All members are public, and there is no method.

The Simulator class contains two configuration parameters, MAX_NUMBER_OF_EVENTS indicates the maximum number of events that the simulator can store at one time; SERVICE_TIME indicates the time the server takes to serve a customer.

    public static final int MAX_NUMBER_OF_EVENTS = 100; // Maximum number of events
    public static final double SERVICE_TIME = 1.0; // Time spent serving a customer

The events is an array of Event that store all events scheduled for the future in the simulator.

    public Event[] events; // Array of events, order of events not guaranteed.
    public int numOfEvents; // The number of events in the event array.

The simulator needs to keep track of three states:

  • is a customer being served?
  • is a customer waiting?
  • if a customer is waiting, when did he start waiting?

These states are represented as:

    public boolean customerBeingServed; // is a customer currently being served?
    public boolean customerWaiting; // is a customer currently waiting?
    public double timeStartedWaiting; // the time the current waiting customer started waiting

Remember we are interested in the following statistics:

  • What is the average waiting time for customers that have been served?
  • How many customers are served?
  • How many customers left without being served?

which can be computed from the following members:

    public double totalWaitingTime; // total time everyone spent waiting
    public int totalNumOfServedCustomer; // how many customer has waited
    public int totalNumOfLostCustomer; // how many customer has been lost

Finally, for debugging purposes, the simulator assigns unique IDs 1, 2, 3, ... to the customers, in the order of their arrivals. It then keeps track of the ID of the customer being served (if any) and the customer waiting to be served.

    public int lastCustomerId; // starts from 0 and increases as customer arrives.
    public int servedCustomerId; // id of the customer being served, if any
    public int waitingCustomerId; // id of the customer currently waiting, if any

Interaction between Simulator and Event

We create a Simulator by calling the method:

  static Simulator createSimulator() {..}
and an Event by calling the method, specifying when the event will occur, and the type of the event.
  static Event createEvent(double when, int type)  {..}

We can schedule the event e to be executed by simulator sim by calling:

  static boolean scheduleEventInSimulator(Event e, Simulator sim) {..}
This method will return true if the event is scheduled successfully, false if the simulator run out of space to store the event (i.e., MAX_NUMBER_OF_EVENTS is reached).

We always execute the events in increasing sequence of their time. Once the simulator starts running, it repeatedly finds the next event with the smallest timestamp (i.e., earliest event), removes it from the list of events, and execute the event. The simulator stops when there is no more event to run.

  static void runSimulator(Simulator sim) {
    while (sim.numOfEvents > 0) {
      Event e = getNextEarliestEvent(sim);
      simulateEvent(sim, e);

Here, e = getNextEarliestEvent(sim) removes and returns the earliest event in the simulator, and simulateEvent(sim, e) update the states of the simulator according to the type of the event e.

Simulated System

The logic of the system being simulator (i.e., the behavior of customers and server) is implemented in simulateEvent. There are four methods being called from here:

  • serveCustomer(sim, time, id): called to start serving a customer with ID id
  • makeCustomerWait(sim, time, id): called to make the customer with ID id wait
  • customerLeaves(sim, time, id): called when the customer with ID id who just arrived leaves immediately (as someone else is waiting)
  • servedWaitingCustomer(sim, time): called to start serving the customer that is currently waiting.

You should read through and clarify if you are not sure about any part of the given code.

Input and Output

The input consists of a sequence of double values, each is the arrival time of a customer (in any order). We can read from standard input (if no command line argument is given)

java LabOneA
java LabOneA  < TESTDATA1.txt
or read from a given filename
java LabOneA TESTDATA1

Given an input, the output might not be deterministic, since if two events occur at exactly the same time, we break the ties arbitrarily. For this reason, we will only test your code with input where no two events occur at exactly the same time.

The test cases and outputs1 should be:

Test Case Output
1 0.000 1 0
2 0.000 4 0
3 0.450 2 8
4 0.614 7 0
5 0.405 76 24

Note that the skeleton we gave to you already produces the output above. You just need to ensure that after changing the code to OO style, the output remains the same. Of course, as usual, producing the correct output for five test cases does not guarantee that your code is correct.

Your Task

The given is written in C style, no minimal encapsulation. As you read through the code, you should appreciate how messy and difficult to understand the code is.

Your mission, in Lab 2, is to rewrite the code using encapsulation, applying OO paradigm, properly maintain the abstraction barrier when the objects interact. See the Section on Goals above. Here are some rules:

  • You can add as many classes as you like. Each class must be in its own .java file

  • The main method should remain in a class named LabOneA. We must be able to run your code with:

    javac *.java
    java LabOneA < TESTDATA1.txt

  • You must not change the formatting of the last line of output (System.out.printf("%.3f %d %d", ..")). We rely on it to check for correctness of your logic.

  • Your code should follow the CS2030 Coding Style


When you are ready to submit your lab, on cs2030-i, run the script


which will copy all files matching *.java (and nothing else) from your ~/lab1a directory on cs2030-i to an internal grading directory. We will test compile and test run with a tiny sample input to make sure that your submission is OK.

We will run checkstyle to check your code against the CS2030 Java Coding Convention upon submission.

This lab is not graded. But do submit anyway so that we have a record that you have done the lab.

To get individual feedback on your lab solution, please talk to your lab TAs.

Extra Java Stuff

You are exposed to three new Java syntax/class in this Lab:

  • Nested classes: In the code given to you, we define Simulator and Event within the class LabOneA. This is called nested class in Java. Usually, this is useful if we need to create a class that is only useful to another class. We can group logically relevant classes together.
  • assert keyword: assert works like in C and Python. You use assert to check for conditions that have to be true in your code. If an assertion fails, the program will bail, informing you what went wrong. This is useful to catch bugs quickly. Use this by passing a -ea (enable assertions) flag when running a Java program e.g. java -ea LabOneA TESTDATA1.txt
  • FileReader: a useful class for reading a stream of characters from a file.

  1. After piping through tail (e.g., java LabOneA < TESTDATA1.txt | tail -1