CS2030 AY19/20 Semester 2
  • Introduction
  • Textbook Contributions
  • Peer Learning Tasks
  • Piazza Participation
  • Setting Up Lab Environment
  • Setting Up Java
  • Setting Up Vim
  • Setting Up MacVim
  • Setting Up Sunfire and PE Nodes
  • Setting Up Checkstyle
  • Textbook
  • CS2030 Java Style Guide
  • CS2030 Javadoc Specification
  • JDK 11 Download Link
  • Codecrunch
  • Github Repo
  • Piazza Forum

  • Setting Up Vim

    This only applies to Windows Users.
    If you are a Mac User, you will most likely have Vim pre-installed.
    If you wish to have MacVim Installed (similar functionality to gVim), please refer to here!
    1. To download the vim installer, go to the link here
    1. Follow the instructions in the installer.
    1. To check if you have vim installed, simple type vim -version on your terminal.