CS2030 AY19/20 Semester 2
  • Introduction
  • Textbook Contributions
  • Peer Learning Tasks
  • Piazza Participation
  • Setting Up Lab Environment
  • Setting Up Java
  • Setting Up Vim
  • Setting Up MacVim
  • Setting Up Sunfire and PE Nodes
  • Setting Up Checkstyle
  • Textbook
  • CS2030 Java Style Guide
  • CS2030 Javadoc Specification
  • JDK 11 Download Link
  • Codecrunch
  • Github Repo
  • Piazza Forum

  • SOLID Principles

    Edit the material here!

    In object-oriented computer programming, SOLID is an acronym for five design principles intended to make software designs more understandable, flexible and maintainable.

    SOLID stands for:

    • Single Responsibility Principle
    • Open-closed Principle
    • Liskov Substitution Principle
    • Interface Segregation Principle
    • Dependency Inversion Principle

    Click the links to find out more!

    Single Responsibility Principle

    Open-Closed Principle

    Liskov Substitution Principle

    Interface Segregation Principle

    Dependency Inversion Principle