CS2030 AY19/20 Semester 2
  • Introduction
  • Textbook Contributions
  • Peer Learning Tasks
  • Piazza Participation
  • Setting Up Lab Environment
  • Setting Up Java
  • Setting Up Vim
  • Setting Up MacVim
  • Setting Up Sunfire and PE Nodes
  • Setting Up Checkstyle
  • Textbook
  • CS2030 Java Style Guide
  • CS2030 Javadoc Specification
  • JDK 11 Download Link
  • Codecrunch
  • Github Repo
  • Piazza Forum

  • Type Erasure

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    What happens when your Java generics code compiles

    #This is a brief summary of type erasure that takes references from Javadocs, https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/generics/erasure.html as well as lectures provided in the module.

    When Java compiler compiles your code into bytecode, it has to convert the parameterised types into an appropriate type.

    • Unbounded Parameterised Types are converted into Object type
    • Bounded Parameterised Types are converted into its bounds

    Here's some example of code:

    class Example<T> {
    private T details;

    Example(T details) {
    this.details = details;
    public void giveClarity(T furtherDetails) {
    this.details = furtherDetails;

    class BetterExample extends Example<String> {

    BetterExample(String details) { super(details); }

    public void giveClarity(String furtherDetails) { this.details = furtherDetails; }


    In this case, when compiling, all the type parameter T in class Example is converted to Object type.

    But lets consider something more... After compiling, the giveClarity method takes in an Object in class Example and a String in class BetterExample. And hence overriding is not explicitly taking place due to the difference in method signatures. Hence, Java compiler creates a bridge method to serve the purpose of overriding and polymorphism.

    class BetterExample extends Example<String> {

    BetterExample(String details) { super(details); }

    // Bridge Method generated by Java Compiler
    public void giveClarity(Object furtherDetails) { giveClarity( (String) furtherDetails); }

    public void giveClarity(String furtherDetails) { this.details = furtherDetails; }


    And this is what happens after we write a piece of code that involves the use of generics. :smiley