CS2030 AY19/20 Semester 2
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  • Intro to Asynchronous Programming (Part Two)

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    Original Credits go to Prof Ooi's AY2017/2018 Semester 2 CS2030 Website


    We recall that we have covered the concept of CompletableFuture in the previous segment

    Functors and Monads with CompletableFuture

    CompletableFuture is a functor. Recall that a functor, in OO-speak, is a class that implements a (hypothetical) interface that looks like the following:

    interface Functor<T> {
    public <R> Functor<R> f(Function<T,R> func);

    In CompletableFuture, the method that makes CompletableFuture a functor is the thenApply method:

    <U> CompletableFuture<U> thenApply(Function<? super T, ? extends U> func)

    The method thenApply is similar to thenAccept, except that instead of a Consumer, the callback that gets invoked when the asynchronous task completes is a Function.

    There are other variations:

    • thenRun, which takes a Runnable,
    • thenAcceptBoth, which takes a BiConsumer and another CompletableFuture
    • thenCombine, which takes a BiFunction and another CompletableFuture
    • thenCompose, which takes in a Function fn, which instead of returning a "plain" type, fn returns a CompletableFuture.

    All the methods above return a CompletableFuture.

    By the way, CompletableFuture is a monad too! The thenCompose method is analougous to the flatMap method of Stream and Optional.

    This also means that CompletableFuture satisfies the monad laws, one of which is that there is a method to wrap a value around with a CompletableFuture.
    We call this the of method in the context of Stream and Optional, but in CompletableFuture, it is called completedFuture. This method creates a CompletableFuture that is completed.

    The completedFuture method is useful, for instance, if we want to convert a method below to asynchronous.

    Integer foo(int x) {
    if (x < 0) {
    return 0;
    } else {
    return doSomething(x);

    With CompletableFuture, it becomes:

    CompletableFuture<Integer> fooAsync(int x) {
    if (x < 0) {
    return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(0);
    } else {
    return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> doSomething(x));
    The following is an additional example covered in AY 2017/2018 Semester 2

    In the class, I got carried away with the question about completedFuture and added the following example for thenCompose as well:

    Original non-async version:

    int x = bar(z);
    int y = foo(x);

    Async version:

    y = barAsync(z)
    .thenCompose(i -> fooAsync(i))

    When we discussed about monad, we say that one way to think of a monad as a wrapper of a value in some context. In the case of Optional, the context is that the value may or may not be there. In the context of CompletableFuture, the context is that the value not be available yet.

    Being a functor and a monad, CompletableFuture objects can be chained together, just like Stream and Optional. We can write code like this:

    .completedFuture(Matrix.generate(nRows, nCols, rng::nextDouble))
    .thenApply(m -> m.multiply(m1))
    .thenApply(m -> m.add(m2))
    .thenApply(m -> m.transpose)

    Another example:

    CompletableFuture left = CompletableFuture
    .supplyAsync(() -> a1.multiply(b1));

    CompletableFuture right = CompletableFuture
    .supplyAsync(() -> a2.multiply(b2))
    .thenCombine(left, (m1, m2) -> m1.add(m2));

    Similar to Stream, some of the methods are terminal (e.g., thenRun, thenAccept), and some are intermediate (thenApply).


    • There are variations of methods with name containing the word Either or Both, taking in another CompletableFuture. These methods invoke the given Function/Runnable/Consumer when either one (for Either) or both (for Both) of the CompletableFuture completes.

    • There are variations of methods with name ending with the word Async. These methods are called asynchronously in another thread

    For example, runAfterBothAsync(future, task) would run task only after this and given future is completed.

    Other features of CompletableFuture include:

    • Some methods take in additional Executor parameter, for cases where running in the default ForkJoinPool is not good enough.

    • Some methods takes in additional Throwable parameter, for cases where earlier calls might throw an exception.

    Handling Exceptions

    Handling exceptions is non-trivial for asynchronous methods. Remember that, in synchronous method calls, the exceptions are repeatedly thrown to the caller up the call stack, until someone catches the exception. For asynchronous calls, it is not so obvious. For instance, should we put a catch around fork() or around join()? A ForkJoinTask doesn't handle exception with catch, but instead requires us to check for isCompletedAbnormally and then call getException to get the exception thrown.

    As CompletableFuture allows chaining, it provides a cleaner way to pass exceptions from one call to the next. The terminal operation whenComplete takes in a BiConsumer as parameter -- the first argument to the BiConsumer is the result from previous chain (or null if exception thrown); the second argument is an exception (null if completes normally).

    .completedFuture(Matrix.generate(nRows, nCols, rng::nextDouble))
    .thenApply(m -> m.multiply(m))
    .whenComplete((result, exception) -> {
    if (exception) {
    } else {

    whenComplete returns a CompletableFuture, surprisingly, despite it taking in a BiConsumer -- in a sense, whenComplete is more similar to peek rather than forEach.

    handle is similar to whenComplete, but takes in a BiFunction instead of a BiConsumer, thus allowing the result or exception to be transformed.

    Finally, exceptionally handles exception by replacing a thrown exception with a value, similar to orElse in Optional.

    .completedFuture(Matrix.generate(nRows, nCols, rng::nextDouble))
    .thenApply(m -> m.multiply(m))
    .exceptionally(ex -> Matrix.generate(nRows, nCols, () -> 0));
    CompletableFuture is similar to Promise in other languages, notably JavaScript and C++ std::promise. In Java, CompletableFuture also implements a CompletionStage interface. Thus, you will find references to this interface in many places in the Java documentation. I find this name unintuitive and makes an already-confusing java documentation even harder to read.